Hello, and welcome to our first Risk Management Newsletter: Safety Matters! Our goal with this monthly communication is to provide resources and tips to help you better protect employees, minimize loss, and improve your organization's overall efficiency and productivity.
In this edition, we highlight ways to promote safety within your organization and the impact these practices can have on your employees. As we approach a new year, now is the time to put a heightened focus on workplace safety.
Be sure to share this newsletter with your team to promote safety culture, and let us know if you would like to talk through any of these tips further. Until then, have a wonderful holiday season!
- Ryan Willis, Risk Manager
Communicate About Safety​
Building a safety culture begins with proper communication. Effective communication always begins with a message, and failure to communicate safety information effectively can have serious negative consequences. Here's why you should talk to your employees about safety.
Safety Culture​
The expression, "it pays to be safe" is very true, but safety should be seen as more than a line item. Improved safety means fewer injuries and medical costs. Fewer incidents mean a lower e-mod and over a period of time, your premium costs will go down. Safety is a culture, why not start building it now?
A Slippery Slope
As daylight gets shorter and warmer days become less and less frequent, we are reminded that winter is right around the corner. Did you know that ice is a leading cause of slip-and-fall accidents in winter? Slip-and-fall accidents make up around 25% of annual workers' compensation claims – across all industries - from offices to construction sites!