Hello, and welcome to another Risk Management Newsletter: Safety Matters! We hope that 2024 is off to a great start for you and your team. As always, we hope to provide resources and tips to help you better protect employees, minimize loss, and improve your organization's overall efficiency and productivity.
In this edition, we highlight ways to navigate new hire safety, exercise for sedentary work, and upcoming OSHA deadlines. As we enter a new year, now is the time to put a heightened focus on workplace safety.
Be sure to share this newsletter with your team to promote safety culture, and let us know if you would like to talk through any of these tips further.
- Ryan Willis, Risk Manager
Don’t Be a Desk Potato: How Sedentary Work is Impacting Your Health
On average, office workers will spend 4 to 9 hours of their workday sitting down. Some studies have equated those hours to around 2 months of sitting per year. Sitting for long periods of time can cause those immobile muscles to gradually lose their ability to metabolize fats and sugar efficiently which could cause high cholesterol and lead to a risk of diabetes. It has also been found that vital muscles such as legs, glutes, hips and back are also largely affected by these sedentary lifestyles. Many of these are stabilizing muscle groups that keep our bodies strong and mobile. Keeping them active is key to preventing aches, pains and premature deterioration.
If you are feeling stiff and uncomfortable while working at a sedentary job, click the below link for some exercises that you can do without even leaving your desk that will leave you feeling refreshed and healthier.